Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Love I Have For You

The Love I Have For You
Originally uploaded by Tonya Ashe
I have walked through hell
And been burned alive
But when I think of You
It made it all worth while

I have carried my cross
Through the stairs of hell
Because I seen my Reward
Waiting for me up there.

Been knocked down
Countlessly to the ground
Yet picked myself up
And still carried my cross

Each bitter step I took
I kept holding on
To the cross of Love
The greatest Love I've known

Broken, scarred, and marred
Bittered in my soul
Yet I've held onto
The love I had for You

Never will I faint
And never get back up
Because I keep seeing You
My bright and morning Dove

Nothing of this life
Or world matters to me
Because I'll have Your Love
For all Eternity

All Writing and Art by ©Tonya Ashe


Mary said...

Tonya, thank you for sharing your heart and art. They are both lovely!!


rachel said...

fantasic post.. now i m looking forward to read ur next post...

Anneke said...

your heart is so good and i love your art