Thursday, April 13, 2017

Poetry - "Holding Onto Hope"

"Holding Onto Hope"

Contemplating echoes
Pressing thru my tears
Holding onto hope
Bearing thru my fears
Removing clothes within
Having different skin
Wanting to run away
Never return again
Watching for a moment
A twinkle of my eye
When all the changes
Take me by surprise
Overturning memories
Sifting thru the lines

All Writing and Art by ©Tonya Ashe

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Art Journal Page filled with sporatic thoughts and studies during my personal journaling time.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Magazine 4x4 Art Trade Cards

Magazine 4x4 2

Magazine 4x4 1

These are Magazine 4x4 Cards that were made for a group swap. These are so much fun to do and all you need is an old magazine to play with.

Flow Journal Page


Simple and quick Art Flow Journal Page