I am a warrior of love, whose shield is love and my sword is charity.
I am Agape Love! The love that conquers all!
Ah . . . to be drunk with love and saturated into its entire being,
consumed in its purity,
overcome by its beauty . . .
Conquered by love!
With true love there is only selfless giving. Love conquers all in patience and kindness.
Love is pure beauty in its finest form. There is no evil in true love.
Love is a dream I dream; a taste I taste; a feeling I feel; a kiss of energy and life. Love is a rose so delicate, yet one that cannot wilt or fade away. Pull it apart and it will still remain, for its spirit lingers in the depths of majestic surprise and beauty. It consumes your heart before you know it, even as you stand guard and watch.
Ah . . . yes . . . love . . .
Let me drink of thine cup.
Let me become drunk in thy wine.
Let me savor thine taste . . .
Yes . . . love!
What hast Thou done to me my Rose of Sharon; my delightful cup?
Oh Lord . . . I delight in Thee.
Thou ravish mine heart with Thine words toward me . . . my Lord God Most High!
All Writing and Art by ©Tonya Ashe