Saturday, December 20, 2008
Don't miss those little moments!

Friday, December 12, 2008
Adapted Moment
Momentary pain
Reveals yet beauty
Within the change
Identical feelings
Wrapped in recount
Solace memories
Left in dismount
Written by ©Tonya Ashe
Looking Up
Looking Up
Originally uploaded by TonyaA
I see the stars
A joyful moment
I see your heart
Amazed to find
Beauty I've seen
As a child
Of remembering
Written by ©Tonya Ashe
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A Few Deco'ed Pages
These are a few pages I decorated in decos that me and my mom are passing back and forth. We have so much fun doing these pages together. We pick a theme to start it off then decorate the rest of the book by trading it back and forth until it is finished, then the one who made the book and chose the theme gets to keep it.
I use to trade decos via postal mail with others all over the world, but after the disappointment of not receiving the ones I made back, I decided not to do that any more. Every once in a while I will receive one home, and I always reward the ones that are gracious enough to send them back.
Thus to fill my desire to decorate these little cute books, I started trading with my mom who also likes to do them too. It is a great way to use up my scraps from other projects and it has created a bond that me and my mom share that is priceless.
Little Art Booklet
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Butterfly Letter
Passed on by
A delicate
A marquee
Brushed line
And curly hues
In silent bliss
Patterned spots
Voiced in trance
A sweetly worded
Spaced ellipse
Written By ©Tonya Ashe
Friday, November 7, 2008
Conscious Buoyancy
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Art Journal Page
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sweeter Things
SweeterThings WM
Originally uploaded by TonyaA
Of sweeter things
A happy Life
A child that sings
To float away
Upon a boat
Or by a tree
To write a note
A moonlit night
Its not to dark
A shooting star
Some lovely art
A butterfly has
Fluttered by
Rainbow colors
Paint the sky
A window view
Of this scene
Dreaming of the
Sweeter things
©2008 Tonya Ashe
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Heart Of Change
©2008 Tonya Ashe
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Found Object
Monday, September 29, 2008
My Home Is A Castle
My Home Is A Castle
Originally uploaded by TonyaA
Were I like to stay
Above in the sky
A place of my way
There I find muse
Freedom to play
In my own castle
Far, Far away
©2008 Tonya Ashe
Friday, September 19, 2008
A Dry Heart
Turned so dark.
I felt so dry,
You left no spark.
Sudden clouds,
Filled my view.
Praying for rain,
Praying for you.
©2008 Tonya Ashe
Art Journal Pages

I'm thinking of you,
And you thinking of me.
Though many miles apart,
you are beside my heart.
A moment
A Thought
A Previous Memory
Of Nov, 2007
Hidden within me
©2008 Tonya Ashe
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I Have A Dream!
What was your good deed today? Please share them in the comments. I would love to hear some of the kind things you have done to help others.
Here are a few suggestions:
- Lend a helping hand
- Tell someone you love them
- Compliment someone
- Encourage someone
- Smile at someone
- Pray for someone
There is so much we can do to make our world a better place. Love and be loved. This reminds me of a scripture in the Bible "You reap what you sow" Gal. 6:7. It truly amazes me how true this can be in the reality of our every day lives. Give and it shall be given to you... I truly love you all. So I am sending you a big hug through the computer...smiles. Now please pass on this love to someone else.
Love Always,
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
An Odd Feeling
In poignant warning
The birdie did pause
In receded thought
The scenery she saw
With a scantly whisper
And a second glance
Never felt so odd
She started to dance
Copyright © 2008 Tonya Ashe
Mixed Media Collage
Saturday, August 30, 2008
HotPink Flowers
Thursday, August 28, 2008
New Additions~ Number's Game

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I did this one in meditation of how we tend to let problems and circumstances determine whether we enjoy our life.
The funny thing is, that it is actually our choice. We choose whether to let our problems or circumstances bother us to the point that we don't enjoy our everyday life.
So instead of letting problems steal our joy, we can make the decision to enjoy life anyway...even with the problem.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Free To Fly
I am free to fly
I am free to soar
Across the sky
Beyond this world
To a place on high
To a place I'm free
Free to imagine
Free to be me
Copyright © 2008 Tonya Ashe
This is a mixed media piece I just completed. I had so much fun painting this bird. I kept seeing the image in my mind so I painted it in my art journal. And loved it so much, I just had to have one on canvas as well. The poem above details the meaning of the painting. I truly do feel like I am flying when I do art. I get swept away from this world into whatever I am working on. Art is my stress reliever. It is a special time that I am free to be myself, dream and create whatever I want.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Embrace Simplicity
Ah...simplicity, I have enjoyed embracing thee.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I also wanted to try to add some shape to these as well. So far, they are looking pretty good.
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