Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Carrying Love

Carrying Love

Though I bare much
I shall not be ashamed
Oh how I wait for Thee
My Beloved One
Gather me in great mercies
Everlasting kindness be upon me
My love is not wroth
He will never depart from me
My stones are fair and pleasant
Sapphires surround me
I am established in Thee
My soul yearns deeply
I travail so quickly
Pains have taken me
Let me not be shamed
I am smitten by Thee
Oh Great Love
Why hast Thou forsaken me
Turn not away
Please notice me
I have brought forth
Time is become my enemy
If I could conquer time
Surely I'd be next to Thee
Let Light come forth
Rise upon me
Be seen upon me
Take away my reproach
Thine beauty for my ashes
No more heaviness
Thou shalt cover me
With Thy feathers
For You are my Reward
My eternal crown of glory

Oil painting
All Writing and Art by ©Tonya Ashe