Sunday, March 28, 2010
A Peaceful Rest
All to often we are so consumed with life and the issues of life that we forget to take time to enjoy the simple things. We actually can become so routine to hearing and seeing these things that we don’t appreciate their beauty. I believe nature is full of beauty. Just the sounds of nature can lead one into a peaceful rest of serenity if one allows themselves to rest in it.
One thing that is quieting to my soul is just stopping and sitting awhile to just listen to the sounds of nature in my backyard. I love to listen to the communication of the birds in my backyard. It is almost spring here, so they are getting more and more intense in their communications. It is like they are sweetly stating, "look, look... get ready!" Life is about to spring forth! It is time for a new beginning of flowers blooming and all of nature refreshing itself again for our enjoyment and pleasure.
Isn’t it amazing how intricate and beautiful God made everything! And He gave it all to us. He created all nature and its beauty for us to behold and enjoy. Nature is God’s artwork and astounding design. It is a capture of His inward beauty.
If nature sings such beautiful songs to us here on earth, one can only imagine what heaven will be like.
All Writing and Art by ©Tonya Ashe
Picture taken by my beloved Father, ©Larry Ashe
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Mini Book Words of Life
I made this Mini Book using the Kenner Road March Kit.
I hope you all are having lots of fun creating!
Blessings and love to you,
Monday, March 22, 2010
These little birds nested on my porch last spring; I just could not resist scrapping them. Aren't they adorable!?
I made this scrapbook page using the Kenner Road Skylark Feb. Kit. You may visit Kenner Road by clicking here.
Picture taken by my beloved Dad, Larry Ashe
Blessings to you all and have fun creating!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
You Are Lovely
Blessings to you all and have fun creating!
Friday, March 12, 2010
I wanted to run...
I wanted to run, but where
I wanted to cry, but to whom
I've felt so lost
Abandoned and abused
My flesh cries out
My soul feels confused
I waited for you, but you never showed
Alone I was left
While you did your own
An outcast I am
Broken by you
Used in distorted pleasures
Consciously desiring you
And yet my heart cries
Where are you
A devoted sacrifice
Years of pain
Consecrated and set apart
Yet all in vain
All that is left
Is the scars that remain
All Writing and Art by ©Tonya Ashe
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Don't Forget Who You Are

I Am Love!
This book was a work of my heart. A collection of feelings and thoughts are poured out on each page.
Journaling One:
I shine and radiate from within
Intense passion within my soul
Passionately I breathe...
Purely I live and love
With the substance of my entire being...
I shall fly...
Journaling Two:
Beauty lives in a heart that gives and loves
beyond a shadow of a doubt...
with no regrets...
no second thoughts...
just boundless and endless love...
You may see larger views of each the pages by going to my Flickr pages here.
I used the Bad Girls Kit "Ma Petit Maison" You can visit the Bad Girls site by clicking here.
All Writing and Art by ©Tonya Ashe